World Water Day

The UN News says that water resources are often overlooked, but are an essential part of the solution to climate change.

India Today quoted Auden: “Thousands have lived without love, not one without water.”

The South African gave World Water Day some light coverage.

Al Jazeera referenced drought in Chile.

Singapore lit up landmarks in blue.

Attaching water resource issues to climate change may be useful for getting them media coverage but the issues with water resources have not come about only because of climate change.  They relate as much to increasing and urbanising population, and under-invested ageing infrastructure.

Water resource issues also got linked to Coronavirus.  Crown Princess Victoria of Sweden celebrated World Water Day by getting her husband to ensure their children washed their hands.  Whilst Wateraid CEO Tim Wainwright pointed out that three quarters of households in the developing world don’t have access to running water to wash their hands in the recommended way.

In relation to water, we shouldn’t wait until it is a crisis before taking action.  It isn’t like Coronavirus which popped out of nowhere and moved fast with its own unique set of challenges which can only be understood as the crisis develops.  Water crisis is totally predictable.

We urge Governments, politicians, regulators, water companies, and concessionaires to increase their action to avoid the next crisis being a water crisis.  Instead of ordering and installing Advanced Pressure Management in a big hurry as has been done in South East England, Kuala Lumpur, Cape Town, and Manila, put in place a plan to install it network-wide over the next 3 years.  In short, be prepared.

UN Water day (2)


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