Data Management Milestones

Water Finance and Management has identified 4 data management milestones.


  1. Water data consolidation to break down data silos
  2. Water data analysis to turn raw data into actionable insights
  3. Internal knowledge sharing across organizations, government departments, and international bodies
  4. External knowledge sharing with industry and the public to educate, inform, and encourage respect for our most important resource

One of the examples that Water Finance and Management reports is progress made by the City of Riverside.

Riverside is a city in, and the capital of, Riverside County, California.  It is named for its location on the Santa Ana River.

Riverside Public Utilities (RPU) has been providing water and electricity to 70,000 customers since 1895.

RPU has integrated WaterTrax (for water quality) with its data historian (OSISoft PI), GIS (Esri), and Work and Asset Management system (UWAM).

The USA continues to be strongly focused on water quality and that is driving some interesting innovation.

For most areas of the world, it is reducing Non Revenue Water that demands progress and innovation.

But water quality should be on everyone’s roadmap for actionable insights.

It’s on ours for iNet, our advanced analytics solution for water networks.

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