Central Device Management

Connecting all of your logging devices from anywhere in your network and providing detailed feedback - all from one portal


Pace https://www.verifone.com/en/uk/services/central-device-management

What’s the best logging device? One that’s up and running.

Downtime, tampering, and troubleshooting are disruptive and costly. Plus, with new pressures to deliver reduced leakage and improved network performance, you can’t afford to have blindspots in your network monitoring. Our Estate Management acts as the central nervous system for your logger estate - connecting all your devices from anywhere on your network and providing detailed feedback - all from one portal.

Increase productivity: ensure maximum logger uptime.

Control & manage: identify what’s stopping the devices from operating reliably whatever part of the network it’s on, and act as a first responder to diagnose issues and implement fixes.

Enhanced experience: use i2O loggers to deliver transient detection and PRV condition monitoring as well as basic pressure and flow logging.

i2O’s network monitoring and advanced analytics software not only enables you to identify network issues (Central Event Management, pace Takadu) and opportunities to optimise network performance earlier (no name coined for that yet but it includes transient detection and pressure optimisation potential), it also allows you to manage and maintain your network assets including your estate of logging devices from any manufacturer (Central Device Management). To ensure that they are all working, and if not to know what can be done about that.

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