
All hands to the pump

i2O doesn’t just sell its clients hardware and leave them to get on with it. We know that maintaining an estate of hardware, using it, and getting the most out of it requires time and knowledge that water companies don’t always have.

Our Technical Support team spans the globe – from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia in the East to Bogotá, Colombia in the West, via Madrid, Spain and Southampton, UK. They not only ensure that any problems or questions a client has are dealt with promptly, but they are proactive in bringing opportunities to improve to their clients. Satisfaction with their responses runs above 95% with more than 300 satisfaction surveys completed by clients each year.

Here is the global team visiting Twyford Waterworks while they were in the UK last week training and exchanging knowledge and experience:














Twyford Waterworks was built in 1898. What is remarkable about it is that as each technological advance came, new buildings were erected and the old ones were not demolished and the old technology wasn’t removed. There is, therefore, a complete series of steam, diesel, separate d.c. motors and modern submersible electric pumps. In many cases these can still be seen in operation.










The technology of loggers has changed a lot even if their essential purpose is the same:









Water softening was also onsite. Chalk was quarried onsite, the lime kilns are onsite, and there is a Clark process softening plant with sections still workable. The only thing that was brought to site was coal using a dedicated 2 foot gauge railway.

Three lime kilns from the south, Twyford Waterworks cc-by-sa/2.0 - © Christine Johnstone -










The site has Scheduled Ancient Monument status, and is owned by Southern Water who still extract 5 million gallons (25 megalitres) from the original boreholes.

i2O’s Advanced Pressure Management solution oNet enables pump stations to be optimised: minimising energy use, extending asset life, reducing bursts and leakage, and maintaining high levels of customer service.


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